Monthly Archives: February 2014

Adventures in Cooking: FISH!

Lots has been happening! I went to a convention. I’m writing a grant. I’m doing a play. It’s awesome. But as a result this blog has been a little neglected.

I am...a little crazy at the moment

I am…a little crazy at the moment

So in the meantime, I dug out a blog idea I had set up a while back. Every once in a while my friend Kelson comes over and we cook together. Well…actually, mostly Kelson cooks. I watch and marvel at his cooking prowess. Read the rest of this entry

Manda’s Guide to Grant Writing: Phase 1

1. Think of a cool creative project. Get excited.


2. Get crushed by reality of the whole “no money” thing.


3. Find out about grant. Convince yourself that absolutely no one else will apply and that it’ll be a breeze to get the government to give you money. Read the rest of this entry

My Neighbour Errol- Plague

Errol has found a new addictive game. It is called Plague and it is for the Android. In it, you get to create your own disease and attempt to infect the entire world before they come up with a cure.

I would accept these adorable bacteria!

I would accept these adorable bacteria!

Now, one of the interesting characteristics of this game is that you get to name your disease…and also e-mail your friends about its progress…you can see where this is going. Read the rest of this entry

Dining & Dating- Video Games

New D&D! We tackle video games in this one!


Sooooo…I am known as somewhat of a worrier.

Just for tradition's sake, here's a good reference photo.

Just for tradition’s sake, here’s a good reference photo.

I worry about what I say to others. I worry about my worthiness. I worry about creative projects that might fail. I worry about my job, what I will eat, who I will hang out with, how unclean my apartment is, how squirrels look at me… Read the rest of this entry