Monthly Archives: August 2016

Sidekicks Episode 2!

Sidekicks Episode 2 is out! See if you can spot the continuity errors :D. Fun fact: Errol’s monologue is completely improvised. But that’s pretty darned obvious.

First Impressions: Stranger Things Episode 1

So in a bit of a different move, I’ve decided to experiment with my show First Impressions as a podcast rather than a vlog. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that two talking heads are not always the most interesting to look at but are always okay to listen to. The second is that it’s easier on me editing wise. I hate looking up pictures. Hate it.

So this time around I dragged Errol to watch Stranger Things. For the second time now I am watching a show that goes against the premise for First Impressions (watching a show that has a terrible first season but which became beloved by all) buuut I figure this is a good way to experiment with the podcast format. So here it is! Enjoy!

Sidekicks is Released!

Two years ago I wrote and filmed a webseries about superhero sidekicks called…well, Sidekicks. It was a project funded mostly by love and muffins and we ended up filming it in Errol’s backyard.

I’m pretty sure I wrote about it here in this blog. I didn’t even check that link. I hope it’s the right one!

The original plan was to have it ready to go a few months after filming wrapped up. Then our DOP/editor Clayton got a paying gig touring the world filming a documentary which of course he took because travelling around the world to exotic locales would be a really stupid thing to turn down.

But then he came back! Life finally settled down enough for all of us that we could turn our attention back to our little webseries that could. And now…our first episode is OUT to the public! And you can watch it here!

I will admit to being more than a little nervous releasing it. Watching my own work is always the most difficult thing to do and I can’t help but notice all of the areas I could have done better.

Basically, I feel like it’s opening night and I am having my classic Manda “It’s not too late to bail” nervousness. But we’ve come this far and I’ve been told that apologizing for your art is not the way to go. And I AM proud of our work. I wanted to write something about friendship and we did so.

So here it is! Episode 1! We will be releasing weekly! If anything, watch it for Errol’s performance. He continues to crack me up and is awesome to work with. I’ll probably have something more poignant to say the last episode. For now, HOLY CRAP OUR WEBSERIES IS DONE! ENJOY!