Sidekicks Episode 6

Welp, it’s finally here. The sixth and final episode of Sidekicks.

It feels a bit odd to see it all out here. Three and a half years ago I thought of an idea and then Errol and I wrote a script. Two years ago we filmed that script. And now it’s all edited and out to the public.

I honestly could not have done this without my creative partners. Errol as per usual continues to astound me with his talent and has an immense amount of patience for my anxiety (okay, well…most of the time :D). I love working and performing with him despite his assertions that he is a jerk (he is not). He’s not hear to make a retort so I can say it sincerely without him derailing the compliment. Yaaay!

Lyf has been a rock in all my creative endeavors and I was so happy to have him directing me again. It was a learning experience for both of us and I hope it’s one that we can use for future projects!

Clayton did a huge amount of work as DOP and editor. When he had the time, he worked all hours of the night to get this done and he did a fantastic job with the limited budget that we had. He’s constantly been pushing the series and has always believed in it and for that I’ve been extremely thankful. This is definitely not the last time I work with him…at least if he agrees :D.

My friend Barbara, aka Babs, has for some reason always been willing to put in grueling hours for free in almost all of my projects so far. She is hilarious and talented and so long as she is still around, I will always use her. Not only did she play Bev, she leant me her very awesome camera AND doubled as a camera op. Seriously, she is amazing!

Of course I must include all of my friends who agreed to come and hold boom mics and reflector shields for eight hours at a time! Tamara Hecht, Robin Haworth, Mark Lindan and Mark Lewis were truly foolish to agree to help out but they were so great to have around and so much fun to work with.

The same goes to everyone who read the script in its earlier phases. Heck, I could have probably written a fourth, fifth and sixth draft to refine it even further. Criticism is incredibly important to have in a process like this and I’m lucky to have friends who are pros at giving it. Also, to Monkeyman for developing the play version!

And finally thanks to the Elumir family. Errol’s family puts up with a lot but having a camera crew take over their backyard and house for a summer just showed how much patience they truly have. Even more great were the occasional meals Errol’s wife provided. He will say it over and over again and he’s right: she’s a saint.

Am I happy I did this? Definitely. Were there things about the process I would change? Sure, yeah. But that doesn’t make me any less proud for what we accomplished. I set out to tell a story about superheroes, image and friendship and we did that.

I could write about the doubts and fears I had throughout the process, but I think it’s best to keep this positive. I learned many lessons. The biggest one was the importance of finishing something. Even if you are unsure, even if there are mistakes made along the way, even if it takes forever, finishing a project makes me that much more excited to start new projects.

Of course Errol and Lyf told me this many times and they will be smug about it, but DAMMIT I NEVER DISAGREED WITH THEM AND I AM HAPPY I GOT TO EXPERIENCE IT! I might write a longer post about it later. For now I am just going to stay in my happy moment.

So yes. Sidekicks. It’s done. I love it and am proud. The feedback we’ve been getting has been great.  If you have the chance, please do share it. Now that it’s all out I will be sharing it everywhere and with everyone. Thanks to all who have stuck with us and supported us! It’s been a blast!



Posted on September 24, 2016, in Sidekicks, Vids, wetangent and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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